Since 1980 - Your Trusted Vegetation Management Experts

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bareground Weed Control?
Bareground weed control is a method to control vegetation on a site by applying certain herbicides.
Examples of High Visibility Sites for Bareground ​Weed Control:
Fenced in Well Sites
Homes adjacent to Well Sites
Roadways leading to Well Sites
High fire hazard areas
Bareground Weed Control Safety Benefits Include:​
Reduces FIRE Hazards
Reduces the risk of self injury, such as tripping and falls
Protects company trucks & tools
Lowers maintenance costs on site
Helps keep grazing animals off the site
Eliminates hiding places for rodents/snakes
**All Bareground work done on site is guaranteed for one year from the date of chemical application. ​
***Guarantee will become void due to any ground disturbance such as: Digging, Raking, Dragging, Backfilling, Plowing, etc...
What are Noxious Weeds?
Noxious weeds are plants that are not native to our area. Most have come from Europe or Asia either accidentally or as ornamentals that have escaped. These plants have an advantage because the insects, disease and animals that would normally control them are not found in our area. Because these plants have developed specialized mechanisms to survive, they are able to spread at an alarming rate.
How Noxious Weeds Move -
Noxious weeds are spread by man, animals, water and wind.
Prime locations for Noxious weeds to become established include:
Disturbed sites such as roadsides
Sites recently cleared for construction
Wetlands and riparian corridors
Noxious weeds also hitchhike on vehicles, equipment and in commodity shipments.​
**Most noxious weeds are transported by domestic and/or wild animals
Who are your typical customers?
We are focused on the Industrial/Right of Way and Commercial customer base.
The majority of our customers and contracts are in the following areas:
Oil Fields
Oil Refineries
Gas sites
Pipeline right of ways
Utility right of ways
Power utility sites
State and County roadsides
Pre-pave and Post-pave parking lots
Solar and Wind fields
Transmission Stations and right of ways
Large commercial business sites